Your 7 Steps to Financial Freedom

Written by Lisa Pallavi Barbora

Lisa Pallavi Barbora is a Senior Consultant for Content at WFAN. Lisa is also a founder of In her earlier avatar, she was a National Writer and Consultant for HT Mint - a premier business journal in India.

August 15, 2020

As India celebrates its 74th Independence Day, one has to wonder about our own freedom in life. Living in pandemic times has taught us not to take our freedom for granted and to use it for what really makes a difference.

Plus, these difficult times have really brought to fore the importance of financial freedom. Those to have worked towards this end are indeed in a better place despite the environment. Where the importance of money and financial net worth is underplayed, in times of crisis we are left with little choice than to seek the support of another.

How can you achieve Financial Freedom in your life?

  1. Understand the worth and value of money in setting you free.

  2. Always focus on building a specialised skill or qualification which you can monetise regardless of geography and age.

  3. Don’t stop at acquiring this skill, continue to upgrade your skill to remain relevant.

  4. Live within your means when you are young and earning so that the money you save can work for you when you no longer have the ability to earn as much. Set yourself free of money worries and live your best life, by living an affordable life.

  5. Make wise investments with your savings which will help you grow your wealth. Start this process early and financial freedom will come to you soon as well.

  6. Don’t get tied down to material possession which will never let you live free.

  7. Enable those around you to find their special skill and help them on the path of financial freedom too.

These are just some points to ponder as we are faced with the heaviest of restrictions in a free world. The choice seems to no longer be with us.

Nevertheless, our every action is a choice and you can choose a path towards your financial freedom by focusing on what matters most.  

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