WFAN Webinar – Want to be your own boss?

Written by Meeta Chordia Singh

"Meeta Chordia Singh is a Content Management Consultant, Curator, and Writer. She is a former Human Capital Management professional, with diverse experience in Organizational Talent Management, People Development, Training, Communication, and Business Entrepreneurship. Meeta recently moved out of Corporate and freelances to providing content services that directly cater to a business’s digital marketing efforts. Her USP lies in understanding the business and delivering simple, impactful communication with action-oriented outcomes. While Meeta enjoys writing about anything that relates to people, life, and wellness, her current clients are in the Human Capital Management, Technology, and Travel & Tourism space. You could reach her via email or her profile on LinkedIn. She is also a content Writer for Life & Money. While Meeta enjoys writing about anything that relates to people, life, and wellness, her current clients are in the Human Capital Management, Technology, and Travel & Tourism space. You could reach her via email or her profile on LinkedIn. She is also a content Writer for Life & Money."

October 2, 2019

The Women Financial Advisers Network (WFAN,) Asia’s first fee-only Women Financial Advisers Network is on a mission to help women launch and nurture a flourishing fee-only Financial Life Planning and Investment Advice Practice so that they and their clients can lead a ‘Rich’ and ‘Balanced’ Life.

In the first webinar series, ‘Want to be your own boss?’  by WFAN, a joint venture between Life & Money and  Garrett Planning Network, Sheryl Garrett, founder of Garrett Planning Network recognized as a pioneering Icon in the financial planning and investment advice industry and Partha Iyengar, co-founder of Life & Money, focused on empowering women who were either on a sabbatical and looking at an opportunity to be their own boss, or women who wished to transition from being an employee to an entrepreneur.

A study by yougov states that 52% of women could have a huge impact on economy if they started their businesses and the top challenges why they don’t, include:

Family responsibilities or commitments

  • Worries over financial security

  • Not knowing where to start

  • Lack of access to finance

Source Credit: Economic Times, Facebook

On What Women Want, in order to be a successful entrepreneur, the emerging needs were advice on finance, how to attract customers, practical workshops and network support, all of which focus on their learnability and empowerment. offers these very enablers to help you get started on your new Life and Money journey while enjoying the flexibility to do what you enjoy doing, at your pace and time, and while being your own boss.

The webinar on July 4th focused on

  1. Introduction to WFAN (The Women Financial Advisers Network)

  2. Traits of an Entrepreneur

  3. How WFAN could support you to be your own Boss and lead a rich and balanced life

In conversation, Sheryl and Partha shared how their long tenured friendship turned into a collaboration with WFAN, something that is close to their heart and values; to nurture and enable Women Advisers to make competent, objective financial advice available to everyone.

Sheryl spoke about how childhood experiences and values instilled by seeing her father working hard to keep the family going, pointed her to serve financial advice to the people who could least afford it but needed it the most. Being a role model for many, she explained the key traits of an entrepreneur being

  • Passion

  • Strong work ethic

  • Strong people skills

  • Self-starter

  • Confidence

  • Discipline

  • Focus

She also spoke about being ready for the challenges of working alone, having to be constantly self motivated and also how the successful outcomes make all the effort worth it!

When Sheryl started the fee-only Financial Life Planning and Investment Advice Practice in the USA at a time when such a model was unheard of, it was touted to fail. She however took the risk and continued with her passion for knowing and guiding people with financial advice and they in turn, acknowledged and paid her hourly fees, making the fee-only an example of a highly successful consumer-friendly model.

To see how Sheryl’s practice model in WFAN can support you to be your own boss and have a thriving financial and life planning & wellness practice, please see the archive of the Webinar and our introduction video.  Q&A asked during the session including how WFAN goals sync up to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are available here.

WFAN is now also on SHEROES, a women’s social and economic empowerment community platform with currently 14 million users across geographies.

If you have a question, you could contact us through our website or WFAN on SHEROES and we will be happy to provide the answers.

Please watch this space for more! We look forward to your participation in our regular WFAN webinars.

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