The Life & Money Global School!

Written by Team WFAN

Women Financial Advancement Network (WFAN) strives for a society where women join the financial system in an equitable manner to lead a more meaningful life.

April 25, 2018

“ When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won’t come up with a handful mud either” Leo Burnett

One day in October 1999, I had walked into Mr Nandan Nilekani’s office at Infosys, Bangalore, India. This was peak period of the dot com mania. It was a cold call to pitch to Mr Nandan Nilekani on why he should fund my idea of an education portal that will be one of its kind in the world. It turns out that he was not in town! I met his secretary Ms Mallika and presented the hard copy of my Pitch Deck! In the next few months, I followed up several times to reach out to him. My meeting never happened.

Today, I am happy to announce that we have launched our very own Life & Money Global School for Global Consumers! Life & Money’s vision is to empower millions of millennials and beyond to live their dreams and lead a healthy,wealthy, happy and a meaningful life. Over the last several years, we have designed and delivered the Holistic Financial Wellness course curriculum as an onsite program at corporations, colleges and consumers. The design of the course curriculum and support programs are based on the principles and framework of ‘Nudge’ and ‘Choice Architecture’ made famous by Dr. Richard Thaler, the Nobel Prize Winner and Co-Author of the Book ‘Nudge’.

The results of reaching out to over two thousand three hundred participants through seventy experiential learning sessions have been very encouraging. Our post workshop follow-ups and surveys indicated significant behavior change among the participants. Encouraged by the success of the onsite program, we decided to expand the program beyond Financial Wellness to impact millions of consumers in India and the World.

Qualitative Responses

Quantitative Responses

I believe the sheer population and the potential of the millennials and beyond across the world are phenomenal and they are going to make our world an amazing place to live in harmony. Our mission as choice architects is to empower them with optimal skill sets, resources and tools to nudge and transform themselves and the world.

Our first offering is on Holistic Financial Wellness. Over the next few years we will be launching several courses in multiple languages in the Wellness spectrum. The uniqueness of our programs is the ability to bring in the human element through Life Coaches and Financial Coaches. As a matter of fact, I have engaged a Life Coach recently and the results have been absolutely encouraging and stunning! We believe that the sustained daily habits, behavior and a positive mindset are key elements to achieve success. You will agree that this is a similar trait present among the most successful people in the world.

Look forward to serving you to live your dreams at the Life & Money Global School!

This article was first published in Medium.

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