Is it really possible to manifest money?

Written by Ruchi Nagrecha

Ruchi Nagrecha is a developer-turned-Digital marketer passionate about writing content, fashion & marketing. When she isn’t working, you’ll find her traveling, partying, and curating experiences for her passion project.

March 1, 2020

While everyone is drawn to learning about the Law of Attraction for a subtly different reason, a desire to attract more money is probably one of the most common motivations. It is shortly followed by manifesting love or developing a fantastic new career.

However, if your motivations are financial, you might well find yourself asking the following: is it really possible to manifest money?

According to the Law of Attraction, you can attract whatever you consistently and coherently try to manifest. So, in a certain sense, trying to manifest money isn’t any different from trying to use the Law of Attraction in any other way. However, there are plenty of things that might hold you back from successfully manifesting more money into your life. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why it can be difficult for some people to manifest money, and explore some of the most effective techniques.

Step 1. Be Clear About What You Need The Money For

Some people want money for the vague idea of money. But you do not just want a pile of paper in your safe, or a bunch of numbers on your online bank statement, do you?

You want it so you can do something with it. So what is it?

  • Do you want to buy a new house?

  • Pay off your debt?

  • Send your kids to college?

  • Go on a trip to Hawaii?

Write down all the physical things that money would get you. Thinking that “having a lot of money would be nice” just is not enough. Make a list, try to include as many things that you can think of.

Step 2. Decide On How Much Money You Need

Note: need, not want. Because if you think about what exactly you need this money for (like a new house, or a new car, or a fantastic holiday etc.), you may realize that you don’t really need “a million dollars”, you need a very specific sum of money.

In the same way, if you are trying to manifest “financial freedom” make sure you know what that means to you.

How much money is that a month/a year? What will you spend it on?

So take some time to think about it, make a spreadsheet if you need to, come up with a specific number and write it down.

Step 3. Get Rid Of The Limiting Beliefs

Here are some of the ideas that can stop you from manifesting wealth:

  • “Money is a limited resource.”

  • “You have to work (too) hard to get wealthy.”

  • “It’s selfish to want a lot of money.”

  • “Money is the root of all evil.”

  • “My family isn’t rich, and I probably will never be rich too.”

  • “The chances of becoming rich are really low.”

In order to create financial abundance, you need to let go of these disempowering beliefs.

Step 4. Act As If You Are Wealthy

The basic rule of the Law Of Attraction: Like Attracts Like. So how are you going to attract money if you have a mindset of a poor person? Acting wealthy doesn’t mean that you have to spend a lot of money (that you don’t have at this point). It just means that you can allow yourself to window shop for expensive things, plan amazing holidays, treat yourself to small luxury things every once in a while.

Step 5. Believe That Money Is A Good Thing

Practice affirmations that focus only on the positive feelings you’d enjoy if you had the money you desire. For example, you might try an affirmation version of the old “living as if” trick. In other words, speak like you already have the money!

An example affirmation might be “I can afford everything I want or need in my life without stress or worry.” Another might be “Everywhere I go, I attract financial prosperity and abundance.”

Experiment with several different wordings and choose the affirmation that strikes a special chord with you. Repeat it in the mirror every day.

Step 6. Make A Money Dream Board

Cut out some images of money. Surround them with other pictures (or words, or drawings) that connect you with the things you’ll do when you are successfully manifesting money.

Keep it in your bedroom or office, and let it fill you with excitement and good feelings each and every time you see it. For people who are more moved by images than words, a dream board can hold more sway than repeating affirmations.

Step 7. Be Grateful For The Money You’ve Had

For example, you might try keeping a gratitude journal and regularly jotting down benefits you’ve enjoyed because of the money you’ve had. You could write “I’m grateful for the money that allowed me to grow up without worrying about whether food would be on the table” or “I feel grateful when I think about the money that has permitted me to sleep safely and comfortably each night.”

Each person’s reasons for gratitude will be different. The key is just to make a clearer connection between your desire to make money and your conception of money as a positive, good, generous force in the world.

So, in sum: for most people who want to manifest money, the reason why success doesn’t immediately arrive is simple. The concept of money comes with a lot of baggage, and that baggage can block your positive intentions!

In contrast, people who believe they can attract money will do so. For example, Bill Gates is on record saying that he never actually doubted he would get rich and look at him!

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